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The Martian

Another feature film in the can for imminent release. Cheryl has just completed work as an additional editor to Oscar-winning film editor Pietro Scalia (IMDB) on Ridley Scott’s latest science fiction epic The Martian which is based on Andy Weir’s excellent novel of the same name.

The Martian stars Matt Damon, Jessica Chastain, Kristen Wiig, Jeff Daniels, Michael Peña, Sean Bean, Kate Mara, Sebastian Stan, Aksel Hennie, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Mackenzie Davis and Donald Glover.

Exodus: Gods and Kings

Cheryl has just finished working as Associate Editor to Billy Rich (IMDB) on Ridley Scott’s latest epic Exodus: Gods and Kings starring Christian Bale, Joel Edgerton, Sigourney Weaver and Ben Kingsley.

The Great Gatsby: No Ordinary DI

What do you get when you have a major event feature film that runs at 2 and half hours, in 3D, with a rolling conform, multilayered transitions, complex optical sequences and thousands of VFX shots? A very involved Digital Intermediate process. Adriene Hurst (for Digital Media World) describes the process of finishing The Great Gatsby in this article: Cutting Edge Transforms ‘Gatsby’ into Living Colour.

Image courtesy of Cutting Edge/Warner Bros pictures

As the Editorial DI Supervisor my role on the film was to work closely with Senior Digital Intermediate Colourist Adrian Hauser and his team to ensure the DI was always as up to date as possible – no simple feat with a cut that was changing by the minute and VFX updates rolling in continually. I was also the point person for Lead Flame Artist Hugh Seville and his team of artists who were handling the sequences dubbed by Baz as “poetic glue”, ensuring they had the latest scans, VFX and reference to create these complex opticals.

The above article is very focused on the excellent job Cutting Edge did with the DI. To add an editorial slant to that information I’ve jotted down five tips on managing a complex DI from an editorial perspective. (more…)

The Great Gatsby: VFX Reel

Watching the finished product of The Great Gatsby doesn’t necessarily give you an idea of the full scope of VFX work undertaken by the incredibly hard working and multi-vendor VFX team. In my role as Editorial DI Supervisor I got to see the VFX shots progress from early Avid composites all the way through to finals. Chris Godfrey’s before and after VFX reel gives the rest of the moviegoing audience a glimpse behind the greenscreen too.

The Great Gatsby VFX from Chris Godfrey on Vimeo.

Love Me: Two Feature Film Teasers

Here’s two teasers I cut for the Electric Shadow Company‘s upcoming feature film “Love Me”, directed by Lawrence Page and produced by Alexa Seligman.

LOVE ME is a friendship movie with a thriller edge, set in modern-day London, in which teenagers Daisy and Ben wander the maze of an amoral adult world.

DAISY – a teaser for “Love Me” from Cheryl Potter on Vimeo.

BEN – a teaser for “Love Me” from Cheryl Potter on Vimeo.

Girl Clock! Movie Trailer

In 2009 I edited the feature comedy Girl Clock. Touted as a “coming of middle age” comedy, it’s a charming film about friendship and one woman’s struggle with her biological clock. Directed by Jennifer Ussi and produced by Margaret Casey both of whom were a joy to work with. Check out the trailer below!

Australia: Set To Screen Series – Post Production

On Australia, director Baz Luhrmann and the EPK team put together a series of podcasts exploring various aspects of filmmaking. The podcast on editing is a great resource, not just about the film, but about the process of editing in general. It’s great to hear the team talk about their experiences cutting the film, and I even get to talk about my role as Supervising First Assistant Editor.

AUSTRALIA-9-Editorial from Bazmark Inq. on Vimeo.

Spudmonkey: The Movie

Here’s the trailer for the 2001 low budget Australian feature film Spudmonkey. Rachel Grierson and I edited this feature on a dry-hire Avid in her housemate’s spare room! Truly shoestring budget filmmaking.

The entire feature is now available online, and can be viewed here

Tomorrow the World: Music Promos

A couple of music promos I cut for director Gabrielle McKinlay back in the day.

Music Promo – Rebekah K Everything I Do, Directed by Gabrielle McKinley (via YouTube)
Edited by Cheryl Potter

Music Promo – Vanessa Amorosi The Power, Directed by Gabrielle McKinley (via YouTube)
Edited by Cheryl Potter